Bx NERD _ Functional Assessment Forms_ “FACTS” _ PART A and PART B


A behavior checklist describes specific behaviors and the conditions under which each behavior occurs. Situation – or program-specific checklists can be created to assess one particular behavior or skill area. Using a Likert system within the checklist attempts to more precisely describe and quantity the target behavior of interest by using an ordinal scale.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: I am not a BCBA nor am I associated with the BACB.
These worksheets were created based on my experience as a behavior specialist and my preparation completing coursework and taking the BCBA exam.

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A behavior checklist describes specific behaviors and the conditions under which each behavior occurs. Situation – or program-specific checklists can be created to assess one particular behavior or skill area. Using a Likert system within the checklist attempts to more precisely describe and quantity the target behavior of interest by using an ordinal scale.
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: I am not a BCBA nor am I associated with the BACB. 
These worksheets were created based on my experience as a behavior specialist and my preparation completing coursework and taking the BCBA exam. 


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